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AutoDesk CyberSpace
CyberSpace DF
Text File
1,127 lines
Cyberspace Description Format (CDF)
Reference Specification Proposal for VRML
Introduction and Scope.
1.1. This document details a proposed standard text format for
describing cyberspace decks and virtual worlds. It is based on
Autodesk's internal experience using the Cyberspace Developer Kit CDF.
As a result, this proposal contains some changes from the CDF found in
CDK Versions 1.0 and 1.01. The specification reflects a change in
focus from supporting the CDF as a proprietary developer's tool to
promoting the CDF as a set of guidelines that will evolve towards an
industry standard.
1.2. The purpose of the CDF is to provide a standard framework to
store, retrieve, modify and exchange descriptions of cyberspace
objects. These descriptions encompass object initialization, object
state and object scheduling within a cyberspace simulation.
1.3. We start with a small core containing basic syntax,
organizational and reference semantics. The next layer (level 2)
contains semantics for creating certain classes of objects fundamental
to all virtual worlds. The third layer (level 3) contains
vendor-specific or experimental extensions in such a way that those
extensions can be read or bypassed by a given CDF parser (see figure
Figure 1. CDF as a layered standard.
1.4. The CDF as an industry standard allows any number of
implementations, just as today there are any number of implementations
of DXF readers and writers. It gains this flexibility through layering
and by allowing delegation of parsing of various resource files (such
as DXF, 3DS, Inventor, OOGL, and others). For example, a given CDF
parser may not itself know how to parse a 3DS file, but may delegate
this task to a parser object for that capability as in figure 2. The
sub-parser can either create native objects from the resource file, or
rewrite it as CDF which can then be reparsed by the CDF parser.
Figure 2. CDF Parser delegation.
1.5. The CDF describes cyberspace simulations, in which changing
constellations of geometry and behavior reflect some domain of
interest, rather than merely assembling static geometrical scenes.
Autodesk has created a large number of scene description classes in
its Cyberspace Developer Kit that are expressible in CDF; however, the
specification for these classes can apply equally well to a variety of
class libraries. A proposed standard for these specifications is
included in the second layer of the CDF.
1.6. There are a large number of possible kinds of cyberspace
behaviors. The description of these behavior types is in its infancy.
Although Autodesk has several in-house behavior description languages
that can be expressed in CDF, creating a general framework for
behavior expression and interoperability is and will continue to be an
ongoing issue. The CDF can help this effort by providing a basic
syntax in which behavior specification proposals can be expressed and
1.7. This remainder of this document considers the purpose of the CDF
as a VRML candidate, a set of design goals for the CDF, and the
proposed syntax and semantics.
CDF Design Goals
This is a discussion of the design goals for the CDF.
2.1. Declarative, not procedural. The CDF strives to be independent of
procedural semantics and particular language implementations, though
interpretable code fragments or executables can be embedded within CDF
extensions. A CDF file is a description of a cyberspace, or virtual
world, and not a program to create one.
2.2. Platform-independent. CDF is simply a text format, and contains
no bias towards any particular operating system or hardware platform.
2.3. Small and easily understandable. The CDF uses a layered strategy.
A small, easily understood set of core elements containing the basic
syntactic and semantic idioms are handled by all parsers. A second
layer, built on top of the core, contains standard specification
mechanisms to specify widely used constructs that are common to all 3D
simulations. The specification contains extension protocols to enable
the developer to experiment with additional layers on top of the first
2.4. Easy orientation within a CDF file by authors and readers.
Authors and readers of a CDF file (both persons and software agents)
can easily tell where they are in the file.
2.5. Concise. In as much as the standard is intended as a medium of
exchange, CDF files and strings containing CDF fragments should impose
a minimum burden on storage space and bandwidth.
2.6. Object oriented, but not to any particular programming language
model. The CDF expresses that some particular object instance of a
class or type is to be created and initialized with a particular set
of attributes, while not mandating in what language the object class
is implemented.
2.7. Expressive. All file formats enable the translation of text into
some set of internal data structures within a program. These data
structures are usually hierarchical in nature. The CDF provides a
small set of "utility" built-in data structures within the format. It
also provides a means for the CDF developer community to expand on
this set on a per-project basis.
2.8. Expandable. The CDF enables both ad-hoc and per-project
extensions, as well as a means to incorporate them into standard
extension protocols. There are two dimensions along which these
extensions can occur. First, the range of objects that can be
described can easily be extended; second, more data structures can be
added to describe values for object initialization descriptions.
2.9. Facilitates experimentation. The spirit of the CDF is to enable
and encourage extensions to itself without violating basic
3. CDF Syntax.
The CDF core syntax has three parts. The first is the reserved
character set for object description; the second is the set of data
types and structures expressible by the character set; the third is an
protocol under which the number of data types can be extended.
The use of several mandated data structures within the syntax sets the
stage for greater compatibility between delegated parsers. Some
programs use the resulting structures for an object's runtime state.
Such a 1:1 mapping between the CDF and object state is intuitive and
also facilitates trouble-shooting.
3.1. Character Set.
3.1.1. A CDF file or string is composed of whitespace (spaces, tabs,
newlines and return characters), data types and any of the nine
reserved characters % , ; , ( , ) , { , } , [ , ] and " . All other
characters not part of the data type syntax are ignored by the parser,
unless they occur within the string data type. White space and
reserved characters that do not occur within the context of a double
quoted string are treated as token separators.
3.1.2. Arithmetic and logical characters occurring singly or in
conjunction with other such symbols not part of the reserved set in
3.1.1 are reserved for their use as arithmetic and logical symbols and
shall not be used in any data type extension. They are read as strings
unless they appear with other characters inside double quotes. These
characters are ~ , ! , ^ , & , * , - , + , = , / , | , : , < and > .
3.2. Core Data Types.
3.2.1. Integers -- Integers are expressed as themselves. Unary minus
is supported. For example, 0, -42, 138 are legal. Range is signed,
32-bit base 10 by default, though other ranges and bases can be
specified by directions to the CDF reader functions. See also 4.6 on
the file mode line.
3.2.2. Reals -- Real numbers are expressed as themselves. Unary minus
is supported. Numbers between -1 and 1 (exclusive) have a leading zero
to the left of the decimal point. For example, 0.12394729, -45.67,
78.9 are legal. Range is signed IEEE double precision. All reals are
in base 10. If a real number is called for in an extended data type
specification and an integer is offered, the integer is cast to a
real. (While the number 3 is a real number, it is parsed as an
3.2.3. Strings -- Strings are expressed as follows. Any sequence of characters between a double quote and the
next double quote is read as a string. Any non-double-quoted sequence of characters that does not
contain whitespace or reserved characters and is not a number is read
as a string. All strings are case sensitive.
3.2.4. Tuples -- A tuple is delimited by parentheses ( ) and can
contain any number of CDF data structures and data objects, including
other tuples. All tuple elements are separated by spaces. Tuples are
used as heterogeneous lists, as in Lisp.
3.2.5. Queues -- A queue is delimited by braces { } and can contain
any number of CDF data structures or data objects. The structures or
objects must be of the same type, e.g., all integers, all tuples, etc.
3.2.6. Dictionaries -- A dictionary is delimited by brackets [ ] and
can contain any number of string-queue pairs. The string acts as the
lookup key for the queue and items in the queue. Any number of items
of the same type can be stored under the same key. The queue in the
context of a dictionary is also called a value queue in this document.
[ A { B } ] -- A is a key to the value queue containing B;
the value of A is B.
[ A { B C } ] -- A is a key to the value queue containing B;
the value of A is B and C.
[ A { { B C } } ] -- A is a key to the value queue
containing the queue containing B and C; the value of A is
{ B C }.
3.2.7.Comments -- Comments are any number of characters, reserved or
not, that are preceded by a semicolon and terminated by a newline
character. Comments are ignored (except for the mode line, see 4.6
below). In this, they are identical to Lisp style comments.
3.3. Extended Data Types
3.3.1 Data type syntax extension protocol -- A data structure
extension is delimited by percent signs. The first percent sign is
always followed by the name of the object type. This is followed by
tokens as needed to specify the data type. For example, in the CDF
extended data type package detailed below, % vector3 (5.8 6.2 35.78) %
might specify a 3 dimensional vector with 5.8, 6.2 and 35.78 as the
vector elements. The CDF core does not itself contain any of these
extensions, only the means for specifying them. The CDF level 2
contains an extended data type package containing some of the basic
data structures common to all 3D simulations. Vendors and developers
can add their own packages as desired. Parsers that do not know of a
particular extended data type ignore it and the object attribute of
which it is a value. For linear algebra data types, a right-handed
coordinate system is assumed.
3.3.2. CDF Extended Data Type Package -- The CDF level 2 contains a
set of extended data types built on top of the core extension
protocol. Data block -- This is a block of data, which the parser
regards as unstructured. The block can be any size. The CDF
specification is:
% data_block ( readwrite_flag printable_flag executable_flag
filename) %
The readwrite_flag is one of READWRITE or READONLY. The printable_flag
is one of PRINTABLE or NON_PRINTABLE. The executable_flag is
EXECUTABLE or NON_EXECUTABLE. The filename is a filename string with
the path information delimited by forward slashes. 3D vertex -- The CDF specification is:
% vertex3 ( x y z ) %
where x, y, and z are real numbers. 3D vector -- The CDF specification is:
% vector3 ( x y z ) %
where x, y, and z are real numbers. 3D matrix -- This is a PHIGS-style matrix of four columns:
U,V,N,T. An invariant fourth row of ( 0 0 0 1) is assumed, so it is
unnecessary to specify it. The matrix is therefore specifiable by
three vectors and a vertex. The CDF specification is:
% matrix ( ux uy uz ) ( vx vy vz ) ( nx ny nz ) ( tx ty tz ) %
ux, uy and uz are real numbers in the U column vector,
vx, vy and vz are real numbers in the V column vector,
nx, ny and nz are real numbers in the N column vector,
tx, ty and tz are real numbers in the T column vertex. -- These are similar to quaternions (an economical way
to specify rotations) but are easier to specify. The CDF specification
% rotation theta ( x y z ) %
where theta is the amount of rotation in radians and x, y and z are
the components of the vector part of the rotation (the axis of
rotation). Rotation around the axis is according to the right hand
4. CDF Organization and Semantics.
4.1. The CDF organizes the data objects and extended data types into
specifications for cyberspace objects around the section concept. A
deck or virtual world specification in CDF is composed of a number of
these sections. Each section encapsulates the specifications for a
particular class or type hierarchy. For example, there might be a
viewer section, a display section, a geometry section, a lights
section and so on. For a particular application, sections should have
unique names. Autodesk's CDK comes with its own set of sections, where
each section groups class instance specifications from a different C++
class hierarchy. Developers and other vendors can also create their
own sections for any class hierarchy or sub hierarchy, or map CDF into
another language than C++.
4.2. A section is expressed as a dictionary, and has three entries.
A mandatory section name string, e.g. GEOMETRY, DISPLAYS, VIEWERS,
An optional defaults dictionary, containing such things as the default
class name for objects in the hierarchy, usual initializer arguments,
and so forth.
A mandatory specs dictionary, containing object specification
dictionaries kept under the object's name. Object specification
dictionaries are attribute values kept under the attribute name key.
The words section, defaults, specs, class and like are reserved.
4.3. In the example below, items have been indented for clarity. This
is not necessary; in fact indentation and newline characters are not
necessary at all.
[ section { mysection }
defaults { [ attribute_name_4 { on }
class { ThingAMaBob }
specs { [ object_name_1 { [ attribute_name_1 { 4 }
attribute_name_2 { yes }
attribute_name_3 { (F5 34 no ) }
object_name_2 { [ attribute_name_1 { 5 }
attribute_name_2 { no }
attribute_name_3 { (F24 9 no ) }
attribute_name_4 { off }
Figure 3. Section example.
We could of course call the object_names and attribute_names anything
we wanted.
Each default attribute is applied to any object description that lacks
an explicit value for that attribute. In figure 3, for the first
object object_name_1, the value of attribute_name_4 is on.
4.4. Attributes of an object might contain direct references to its
state, or initialization information, or code fragments, or filenames
of DXF or 3DS information, or anything at all. The precise way the CDF
description of a particular object is parsed and turned into an object
is the responsibility of the developers of that object.
4.5. Section extension protocol -- There can be an unlimited number of
different sections, so long as they have unique names. Vendor specific
section names are to be prefixed by a vendor-specific sentinel. The
form for this sentinel is several letters followed by an underscore.
Autodesk reserves the sentinels "AD_" and "CY_".
4.6. Mode line -- The mode line contains information about how CDF is
to be read within a text file. This includes integer base information
and other directions for CDF reader. The mode line is contained on one
comment line (preceded by a semicolon). The mode line is the first
line of the file and only one mode line is allowed per file. The mode
line is prefixed by a "; -*-" (semicolon hyphen star hyphen) symbol.
After this delimiter are one or more variable : value; pairs,
separated by semicolons. For example, if we wanted to set the integer
base to 8 and the path default to "../../geom", we would use a mode
line like this:
; -*- base : 8 ; path_default : "../../geom"
No variable/value pairs are specified by the core CDF guidelines, only
the syntax for expressing them. We will probably wish to incorporate
some into the standard before its release.
4.7. Specification by example -- Object specifiers can be instructed
to use the specification from another specified object within the same
section. This makes the specification of similar items much easier, in
that the author can in effect say "I want one of those with these
[ section { mysection }
defaults { [ class { ThingAMaBob }
attribute_name_2 { no }
attribute_name_4 { on }
specs { [ objectname_1 { [ attribute_name_1 { 4 }
attribute_name_2 { yes }
attribute_name_3 { ( F5 34 no ) }
attribute_name_4 { off }
objectname_2 { [ like { objectname_1 }
attribute_name_3 { ( F24 9 no ) }
Figure 4. Specification by example.
In the preceding example, object_name_2 has the same values for
attribute_name_1 and attribute_name_2 as does object_name_1.
Attribute_name_3's value is different. Attribute_name_4 is taken from
the "like" object, in this case object_name_1, so its value is "off".
Attribute_name_2 is also taken from the "like" object specifier,
rather than from the default.
4.8. Referring to objects built from other sections -- It is useful to
have object specifiers in one section refer to other object specifiers
in other sections. A viewer object instance, for example, may need to
refer to one of several display object instances.
4.8.1 These references are done by placing section and object names in
the attribute's value queue. Thus, an XXX_VIEWER section might have a
viewer_1 object specifier that refers to an object specified in the
XXX_DISPLAYS section. The viewer_1 object specifier might would look
[ attribute_name_1 { value_1 }
display { section XXX_DISPLAYS display_name_1 }
Figure 5. Object specifier dictionary showing a reference.
Objects and sections that are referred to must have been described
previously in the file.
If the parser finds that the first element of the queue is the word
"section", it retrieves the second and third elements of the queue to
find the section's name and name of the object within it. Exactly what
it does with this information is up to the implementation. Typically
an application would keep a database of the objects stored
hierarchically under their section name and CDF specifier name, so
that the objects are available to other sections.
4.8.2. This mechanism enables building up of arbitrary hierarchies.
The following shows a possible CDF file that builds up a simple space
of a room, a chair and a table. The classes and section names are
fictional, this is just to show how cross referencing between sections
[ section { XXX_LIGHT }
defaults { [ class { XXXLight }
specs { [ light0 { [ type { ambient }
magnitude { 0.3 }
light1 { [ type { directed }
magnitude { 0.65 }
aim { %vector3 ( 1.0 1.0 -1.0 )% }
[ section { XXX_GEOMETRY }
defaults { [ file { /net/vajra/geom } ; your net path here
class { XXXGeometry }
space { section XXX_SPACE myspace }
specs { [ room_geom { [ file { room.3ds } ] }
chair_geom { [ file { chair.3ds } ] }
table_geom { [ file { table.dxf } ] }
[ section { XXX_ SIM_OBJECT }
defaults { [ class { XXXSimObj }
units { pounds feet seconds }
specs { [ room { [ geometry { section XXX_GEOMETRY room_geom }
location { %vertex3 ( 0 0 0 )% }
chair { [ class { XXXPhysical }
geometry { section XXX_GEOMETRY chair_geom }
contained_by { section XXX_SIM_OBJECTS room }
location { %vertex3 ( 5 0 5 )% }
rotation { %rotation 0.25 ( 0 1 0 )% }
mass { 10.0 }
table { [ like { section XXX_SIM_OBJECT chair }
geometry { section XXX_GEOMETRY chair_geom }
location { %vertex3 (10 0 10)% }
mass { 50.0 }
[ section { XXX_SPACE }
defaults { [ class { XXXSpace }
specs { myspace [ schedule { ( { section XXX_SIMOBJECT room }
{ section XXX_SIMOBJECT chair }
{ section XXX_SIMOBJECT table }
{ section XXX_LIGHT light0 }
{ section XXX_LIGHT light1 }
Figure 6. Simple scene description showing referencing.
4.9. Parser Delegation -- A program's CDF parser can delegate the
parsing of non-CDF resource files to sub-parser objects, as in
paragraph 1.4 and figure 2. A sub-parser can parse the resource file
in one of several ways.
It changes the resource into CDF and invokes the CDF reader
It recognizes that the resource contains CDF and invokes the reader
It reads, parses and converts the resource directly into one or more
native objects to be used by the virtual world. These objects are
either placed into an object database directly or held with the
sub-parser object for later retrieval by the program.
For example, a 3DS file contains a variety of scene information such
as lights, materials, textures, polygonal meshes, and so forth. A
class, 3DS_Parser, might be a part an object created as part of an
{specs [ bird_resource { [ class { 3DS_Parser }
file { bird.3ds }
sentinel { "XXX" }
] } ]
Figure 7. Description of a resource.
Specifiers found in the file "bird.3ds" are converted to parsable CDF
structures where possible and placed in the corresponding section with
the appropriate sentinel characters, though as with references, the
resulting descriptions must be parsed and the objects created before
they can be referred to. Alternatively, the sub-parser can create the
objects and store them and other sections can refer to them using the
cross-reference mechanism described in 4.8. In our example, if you
wanted to refer to the material "beakstuff" in the resource, the
following CDF reference could be used:
{ section XXX_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES bird_resource MATERIALS beakstuff }
CDF Parsers that understand how to parse XXX_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES will
know how to deal with the extra items in the queue.
The ability of a CDF parser to reference components of hierarchical
structures such as geometry is dependent upon the sophistication of
the delegated-to parser of the external resource that contains that
structure. The internals of delegated parsers (beyond the storage of
their results) are not specified by this document.
4.10 CDF Level 2 section extensions -- Level 2 contains section
description proposals for scene description. We have omitted a
MATERIALS section at this time, but have a detailed material section
proposal in preparation.
4.10.1. Section GEOMETRY -- Geometry can either be obtained from a
file or from a CDF description of simple parameterized closed figures.
In either case, the geometrical object is called a component. Any
component may contain other components. If geometry is obtained
directly from a file, a delegated parser is used and the variable
names used are:
path, string -- a file system path name (If not present, the section
parser looks in the current directory),
file, string -- a filename, including a path if a default path is
not specified,
scale, real -- a scaling factor that all vertices in the file are
multiplied by. Defaults to 1.0 if not present. If the non-CDF geometry file is parsed as an external
resource as in 4.9, the resource may contain multiple components, as
well as other information retrievable as per 4.9. In this case, the
description of the geometry would contain:
resource, reference to resource -- a reference to a resource as in
4.9. If the file is parsed as a GEOMETRY section object, all the
geometry is placed as a hierarchy of objects under one component, and
any other information in the file (including the names of the
sub-components is not accessible. This is useful and more concise if
the file contains non-hierarchical geometry (e.g., only a simple table
or chair).
[ section { XXX_GEOMETRY }
defaults { [ class { XXX_Component } ] }
specs { [ chair_geom { [ file { chair.3ds }
scale { 1. 5 }
] } ] } ]
Figure 8. A GEOMETRY section.
In this example, the chair_geom is found in the file chair.3ds. We
aren't interested in anything else the file has to tell us, only the
specific geometrical component of a chair. The scale factor enables us
to uniformly resize the component; in this case the component will be
a uniform 1.5 times the size it is specified as in the 3DS file. If,
instead of a simple chair, the file contained several pieces of
geometry, say, a footstool, a chair and a TV tray, they would all be
created as a single hierarchically arranged component under
"chair_geom". While a program familiar with the specific XXX_Component
object could walk the geometry tree and retrieve the footstool, the
footstool could not be referred to by any other CDF specification. If
this capability is needed, see 4.10.2. The XXX_Component acts much
like a delegated parser (in fact, it may invoke one), but throws away
non-geometrical information. A CDF spec for a simulation object in the virtual world that
contains geometry refers to the Component (as in 4.8.2 or 4.9). Parameterized closed figures that can be described in this
section include box, cone, pyramid, cylinder, sphere, dome, nose,
reducer, torus, and solid figures of extrusion and revolution. If the
figures are supported as solids by the implementation, there is also a
solid figure described by boolean operations on other solid figures. Box -- A rectilinear parallelepiped. There are three ways of
describing a box:
Anchored at the origin, extending along each positive
d, real -- dimension of cube.
Anchored at origin, extending along each positive axis,
xdim, real -- dimension along X axis,
ydim, real -- dimension along Y axis,
zdim, real -- dimension along Z axis.
User specifiable anchor, and orientation,
v1, vertex3 -- a corner of the box,
v2, vertex3 -- opposite corner of the box from v1. Cone -- A right circular cone, with option to truncate.
There are two ways of describing a cone:
Base centered at the origin,
r_bottom, real -- radius of the bottom,
r_top, real -- radius of the top,
h, real -- height of the cone,
tes, integer -- number of tesselations around the
surface of the cone.
User specifiable axis,
v1, vertex3 -- wider end of axis of cone,
v2, vertex3 -- narrower end of axis of cone,
r_bottom, real -- radius of the wider end,
r_top, real -- radius of the narrower end,
tes, integer -- number of tesselations around the
surface of cone. Dome -- A portion of a sphere, sometimes called a spherical
sector of one base. There are two ways of describing a dome:
Center of radius at the origin,
rad, real -- radius of the dome,
tes, real -- number of tesselations around the
surface of the dome,
h, real -- distance from the top of the sphere to
cut off the dome.
User specifiable axis,
v1, vertex3 -- center of the top of the dome,
v2, vertex3 -- center of the bottom of the dome,
rad, real -- radius of the dome, from v2,
tes, real -- number of tesselations around the
surface of the dome, Nose -- A conical figure, with one end offset from the other
like an airplane nose. If neither end of the nose has radius zero, the
two end planes are parallel. There are two ways of describing a nose:
Base anchored at the origin in the XY plane,
r_bottom, real -- radius of the base,
r_top, real -- radius of the other end,
h, real -- distance between the top and the base,
tes, integer -- number of tesselations around the
surface of the nose.
User specifiable axis and end plane angle:
v1, vertex3 -- location of the other, non-base end
of the nose,
v2, vertex3 -- location of the base end of the
zdir, vector3 -- is the normal to the two end
r_bottom, real -- radius of the base,
r_top, real -- radius of the other end,
tes, integer -- number of tesselations around the
surface of the nose. Pyramid -- The classical pyramid with a rectangular base.
There are three ways to describe a pyramid.
Anchored at the origin with the base in the XY plane, If
v2 is not centered over the base the pyramid will have an
edge on top or have a flat top.
v1, vertex3 -- defines a point in the XY plane
diagonally opposite the origin,
v2, vertex3 -- the narrow end of the pyramid.
User specifiable narrow end,
v1, vertex3 -- defines a point in the XY plane
diagonally opposite the
anchor point v3,
v2, vertex3 -- the narrow end of the pyramid.
v3, vertex3 -- an anchor point instead of the
User specifiable narrow end and orientation,
v1, vertex3 -- defines a point in the base plane
diagonally opposite the anchor point v3
v2, vertex3 -- the narrow end of the pyramid.
v3, vertex3 -- an anchor point instead of the
xdir, vector3 -- with zdir, defines the base plane,
zdir, vector3 -- with xdir, defines the base plane Reducer -- A hollow cone, cylinder or nose, with center
shaft of varying size. There are two ways to describe a reducer:
Anchored at the origin in the XY plane and extruded along
the increasing Z axis,
v2, vertex3 -- defining the other end of the
rad1, real -- defines the outer radius of the
anchored end,
rad1i, real -- defines the inner radius of the
anchored end,
rad2, real -- defines the outer radius of the other
rad2i, real -- defnes the inner radius of the other
tes, integer -- defines the number of tesselations
around the reducer.
User specifiable anchor point,
v1, vertex3 -- defines the anchor point of the
v2, vertex3 -- defining the other end of the
rad1, real -- defines the outer radius of the
anchored end,
rad1i, real -- defines the inner radius of the
anchored end,
rad2, real -- defines the outer radius of the other
rad2i, real -- defnes the inner radius of the other
tes, integer -- defines the number of tesselations
around the reducer,
zdir, vector3 -- defines the plane normal in which
the ends v1 and v2 lie. Sphere -- The number of longitude and latitude tesselations
are equal.
User-specifiable center; axis parallel to the Z axis,
v1, vertex3 -- location of center of the sphere,
rad, real -- radius of the sphere,
tes, integer -- tesselations about the axis.
User-specifiable center and axis,
v1, vertex3 -- location of center of the sphere,
rad, real -- radius of the sphere,
tes, integer -- tesselations about the axis,
zdir, vector3 -- orientation of the axis. Torus -- Orientation is through the hole. The major axis is
centered on the hole. The minor axis is a circle centered in the ring.
Centered at the origin, oriented along the Z axis,
major, real -- radius of the torus defined as the
distance from the center to the minor axis.
minor, real -- radius of the ring from the minor
tes1, integer -- number of tesselations around the
major axis,
tes2, integer -- number of tesselations around the
minor axis.
User specifiable center and orientation,
major, real -- radius of the torus defined as the
distance from the center to the minor axis.
minor, real -- radius of the ring from the minor
tes1, integer -- number of tesselations around the
major axis,
tes2, integer -- number of tesselations around the
minor axis,
v1, vertex3 -- center of the torus,
zdir, vector3 -- orientation of the torus,
perpendicular to the major radius. Solid of Extrusion -- A closed polygon extruded some
distance along a vector, where the polygon is defined by a sequence of
coplanar vertices in a value queue. There are two ways to describe a
solid of extrusion.
Extrusion perpendicular to the plane of the polygon along
the normal vector. The normal vector is defined by the
right-hand rule.
p, sequence of vertex3's in the value queue --
defines the polygon and (by implication) its
h, real -- distance the polygon is swept along the
extrusion vector.
Extrusion along a user-specified vector,
p, sequence of vertex3's in the value queue --
defines the polygon and (by implication) its
h, real -- distance the polygon is swept along the
extrusion vector,
v, vector3 -- direction of the sweep. Solid of Revolution -- a radially symmetric figure defined
by revolution of a polygon about an axis.
p, sequence of vertex3's in the value queue -- defines
the polygon and its normal,
angle, real -- angle of revolution of p around the axis
defined by pnt and vec,
pnt, vertex3 -- anchor for the axis of revolution,
vec, vector3 -- direction of axis of revolution,
tes, integer -- the number of tesselations within
the angle. Solid Boolean -- A solid figure defined from a Boolean
operation on two other solid figures.
a, reference to geometry -- One of the objects to perform
the Boolean operation on. Must be a solid.
b, reference to geometry -- One of the objects to perform
the Boolean operation on. Must be a solid.
op, string -- a Boolean operation. Must be one of UNION
(the union of a and b), SUBTRACT (the subtraction of b
from a), or INTERSECT (the intersection of a and b). Solid Creation -- Create a solid figure from a piece of
geometry that encloses a single finite volume. Useful for creating
solids that can partake in Boolean operations.
rb, reference to geometry -- a closed figure.
4.10.2. Section LIGHTS -- Lights can be of four types: point, spot,
directed or ambient. These types have overlapping sets of parameters
detailing position, aim, color, distribution, and so forth. For each
light parameter specified in this document, the parameter name and
type will be followed with one or more of PSDA, (for Point, Spot,
Directed, Ambient) indicating which light type it is appropriate for.
Not all displays can handle all these of parameters.
light_type, string, PSDA
position, vertex3, PSDA
location of the light.
aim, vector3, DS
aim of the light.
magnitude, real, PSDA
magnitude of the light. Allowable range is 0 to 1.
cone_angle, real, S
cone angle of a SPOT light, in degrees. Allowable
range is 0 to 90.
cone_delta, real, S
cone delta of a SPOT light, in degrees. Allowable
range is 0 to 90.
beam_distribution, real, S
beam distribution for a SPOT light. Allowable range
is 0 to 1. This specifies the change in intensity
of the light as the distance from the center of the
axis of the cone increases. A value of 0 specifies
that the intensity does not change.
constant_attenuation, linear_attenuation,
squared_attenuation, real, PS
The total attenuation for the light source at a
distance D is given by the formula: attenuation =
1.0 / constant_attenuation + ( linear_attenuation *
D) + ( squared_attenuation * D * D).
rgb, tuple of 3 reals, PSDA
the color of the light as an RGB triple, where each
element has a range between 0 and 1. The actual
intensity of a color component is the product of
its value in the RGB triple and the overall
4.10.3. Section VIEWERS -- A viewer defines a point of view in space,
and optionally a means to move that point of view. All viewers have:
from, vertex3 - location of the viewer in global
to, vertex3 - point the viewer is looking toward in
global coordinates.
up, vector3 - a vector in the plane defined by from and
the vector to - from.
display, reference - a reference to a display driver from
a DISPLAYS section.
perspective, tuple - (unless set by display) a tuple of
four reals (fovy aspect hither yon) defining a view
frustrum, where:
fovy, real - field of view, in degrees top to bottom
aspect, real - aspect ratio of width to height,
hither, real - near clipping plane,
yon, real - far clipping plane.
Some viewers have:
sensor, reference - a reference to a sensor driver from a
SENSORS section, that moves the point of view of the
4.10.4. Section SIMS -- A Sim is an object to be simulated in a
cyberspace simulation. It has properties such as geometry, mass and
dynamical properties, location, orientation and behavior. This
document does not detail how behavior is to be specified, but it is
assumed that different kinds of behavior will have their own sections
yet to be defined. A sim may also have its own internal behavior as
part of its implementation.
Sims do not use geometrical components directly, but create an
instance of the component for their own use. In this way,
geometrical descriptions can be reused by multiple sims in different
All sims can be described by the following variables:
geometry, reference to geometry -- the geometry used to
make a an component instance,
material, reference to material -- the material of the
location, vertex3 -- location of the component instance
of the geometry reference,
rotation, rotation -- rotation of the component instance
of the geometry reference.
Sims used to simulate physical objects in Newtonian dynamical systems
have additional specifiabale properties. Their mass properties are:
volume, real -- the volume in the units of the geometry,
density, real -- mass per unit volume,
mass, real -- the product of volume and density,
moments, tuple of 3 reals -- moments of inertia relative
to the world coordinate system.
products, tuple of 3 reals -- products of inertia
relative to the world coordinate system.
centroid, vertex3 -- centroid used for calculation of
moments and products of inertia. Does not change as the
geometry is moved.
Mass is not normally specified unless volume and/or density are
unknown. For closed geometrical figures volume and other properties
can often be calculated. Principal moments and principal axes are
calculated by the physical sim object from these properties as needed
by physical simulators.
Several dynamical properties can also be described:
vel, vector3 -- velocity vector of the object,
avel, vector3 -- angular velocity vector of the object,
cog, vertex3 -- center of gravity. This sets the absolute
location of the center of gravity in space.
4.10.5. Section SPACES -- A space is an organizing and scheduling
container. Each entry in a space description contains a tuple of
references to objects from a particular section that are to be
included in and scheduled by the space. The names of these description
variables include: lights, materials, geometry, viewers and sims. As
more section types are used, spaces will be come more sophisticated to
make use of them.
5. Contact Information
Requests for further information and comments about this proposal
should be directed to Carl Tollander, email carlt@autodesk.com.